December 2024, Kuala Lumpur – While gender parity has seen progress in recent years, the women’s health gap remains significant. Women, despite comprising half of the global labor force[1],often face under-diagnosis and under-representation in healthcare research. Biotropics Malaysia is addressing this disparity by advancing clinical studies led by women, focused on health areas that have been drawn up as top priority to close the women’s health gap.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in women, with risks increasing after menopause due to hormonal changes. Biotropics’ Nu-Femme® and SLP+® have been clinically validated[2] to support cardiovascular health, showing improvements in lipid profiles and reductions in 8-isoprostane, a marker of CVD. These ingredients are derived from Kacip Fatimah (Labisia pumila), a traditional Malaysian herb known for supporting feminine vitality.
Natural solutions for menstrualand menopausal health are increasingly sought after by women for mental clarity, emotional stability, physical health and overall well-being. Clinical studies[3]revealed that daily supplementation with SLP+® (200-400mg) enhances overall quality of life, while Nu-Femme® (500mg) reduces severe hot flashes by 73%,joint pain by 68%, and improves vitality by 21%. Biomarker studies further showthat Nu-Femme® regulates hormonal imbalances by reducing FSH and LH levels (normally elevated in women experiencing estrogen decline during menopause) and supporting healthy testosterone and estradiol levels.
For women with ‘brain fog’ or menopausal disturbance affecting mood and negative feeling, BioKesum® (persicariaminor) offers a comprehensive approach, targeting multiple aspects of mental, mood & cognitive wellness. 500 mg daily showed improvement in cognitive flexibility, executive function and IQ performance, positive shifts in brain markers and reduction in tension, depression and anger[4].
Looking ahead, Biotropics Malaysia is excited to launch Physta® Tongkat Ali for women’s health in 2025. Visit us at the Functional Food for Wellness Summit 2025 in Bangkok (Booth A5) for insights into women’s health and our innovations. For details, contact
[1] Our World in Data, March 2024. “Women's Employment -How does women’s labor force participation differ across countries? How has itchanged over time? What is behind these differences and changes?”.
[2] Mohd Noor, N., et. al. 2014. Efficacy and Safety of Labisiapumila var alata Water Extract Among Pre- and Postmenopausal Women. Journalof Medicinal Food: 17(8), pp. 1-10
[3] Chinnappan, et. al, 2020. Efficacy of Labisia pumilaand Eurycoma longifolia standardized extracts on hot flushes, quality oflife, hormone and lipid profile of peri-menopausal and menopausal women:randomized, placebo-controlled study. Food & Nutrition Research 2020:10.29219/fnr.v64.3665
[4] Lau, H., Shahar, S., Mohamad, M., Rajab, N. F., Yahya,H. M., Che Din, N. and Abdul Hamid, H., 2020. The effects of six months Persicariaminor extract supplement among older adults with mild cognitive impairment:a double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. BMB ComplementaryMedicine and Therapies 20:315.
Biotropics Malaysia Berhad (Biotropics) was incorporated in February 2007 to develop and commercialise Malaysia’s bio-resources into superior natural health product. View more
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